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English Plaza 今日: 0|主題: 521|排名: 219 

版主: chiuandy123
[IMPORTANT] Please read the General Rules when you enter English Plaza!

Current Activities:
- Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖 Phase 2

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New Comment: 5 points
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隱藏置頂帖 預覽 [Notices] Complain & Question Zone  ...23456..INF auman311 79119414 lp17l2h8
隱藏置頂帖 預覽 [Notices] Rules of English Plaza(Last updated: 21/7/13)  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 129200 chiuandy123
隱藏置頂帖 [Notices] [No entry]Workroom of Moderator& Database - [閱讀權限 255]attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 29536 Hellkite
隱藏置頂帖 預覽 [Notices] [New Comers] Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖 Phase 2  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 71102238 皇家馬德里
預覽 [Discussion] Chatting Zone attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 94980946 holicmit
預覽 [Notices] [Closed]Share an English Song~  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 18378524 roompklee
預覽 [Notices] English Shiritori (英文接龍)  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 3061540 jinjoe
預覽 [Notices] [Result Announcement][八卦樂園 ● 震] Words Bingo! Round 1 agree  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 3053688 chiuandy123
預覽 Vocabularies (Day 1,2,3,4,5) agree  ...23456..INF 七夕緣 3343688 q大財神p
預覽 (New)Guessing word Game LATEST Qs AT #29(New) agree  ...23456..INF ☉_☉魔鬼ソ騎士 5332149 ShadowSlave
預覽 What is your english name?  ...23456..INF AaRo 4532170 增船y
預覽 What time do you go to bed?  ...23456..INF 幻想即興曲 4731247 Rex Tamkw
預覽 [Sharing] 4000 Vocabularies attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 4129951 lkk112
預覽 [Notices] Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 9228594 gunseed1997
預覽 [Sharing] Phrasal Verbs List attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 3124605 二六八
預覽 Anyone is come from band 1 school?  ...23456..INF 英明神武 7121607 tart
預覽 English vs Chinese~~~  ...23456..INF Fig9ux 2820241 Renne
預覽 Have you ever spoke to a foreigner?  ...23456..INF yuetstarz 2920235 Renne
預覽 [Notices] [八卦樂園 ● 震]Comments on News II  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 1620050 godoslaw
預覽 MSN Exchange (Or other contacts) agree  ...23456..INF long123321 2119855 sum003447
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