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[Notices] [Activity 1]Newspaper Comments Competition

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發表於 21-12-2012 18:51:15 | 顯示全部樓層
In my opinion, undoubtedly, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying had done a fatal mistake in bulding illegal structures in his flat. Yet, I do not agree to the opposition pro-democracy camp's saying  that there is a need to have a vote of no confidence to Leung. This may possibly lead to instability in Hong Kong's politics if the motion of no confidence against Leung is passed and hence trigger an impeachment to be launched against him. Moreover, Leung has already apologised for his act.

We should give another chance to Leung.


參與人數 1樂點 +210 收起 理由
chiuandy123 + 210


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